Recent papers
New paper in PNAS-Nexus: Surfacic networks (codes here)
New paper about the fragility of positions in chess in PRE
(. - Article "How a new science of Chess is emerging" Discover Magazine (28/10/24)
- Article in Ars Technica
- The python code computing the fragility score and the interaction graph can
be downloaded here
New paper about interurban migrations in Nature Cities
New perspective paper about parsimonious modeling
New paper about the evolution of Paris published in Nature Cities
New paper published in Findings
Book on modelling urban population dynamics and statistics (Oxford Univ. Press)
Statistics and Dynamics of Urban Populations: Empirical Results and Theoretical Approaches
This book describes all aspects of quantitative approaches to urban population growth
From measures and empirical results to the mathematical description of their evolution
Book on spatial networks
Spatial Networks
A Complete Introduction: From Graph Theory and Statistical Physics to Real-World Applications
Updated and largely augmented version of previous works (Table of contents here)
Provides a comprehensive review of this interdisciplinary field
Illustrates how graph theory and statistical physics can help solving practical problems
Contains many examples of real-world applications from transportation networks to the brain
Springer 2022
Popular science book (in French)
(Editions Odile Jacob)
In the (french) media:
- Chronique d'Etienne Klein ici
- Emission sur RTBF Tendances première
- Emission "La librairie de l'Eco" BFM Business
(1ere diffusion Samedi 11/02 16h30)
- Interview pour Le Figaro (27/02)
- Chronique dans Le Monde (28/02)
- Emission RFI "Autour de la question" (21/03 15h00)
- Sud-Radio "Le numerique pour tous" (02/04)
[More news]
Short video on our Nature paper "The growth equation of cities" available here (in french)
Short lectures on Youtube about networks (their characterization)
and epidemic spread (in french)
Seminar at the LPTMS in Orsay (10/13/2020) "Networks and
disease spread: a short review for physicists" available
on youtube here (in French)