Statistics and Dynamics of Urban Populations: Empirical Results and Theoretical Approaches
Oxford University Press (Dec 2023)
"Le Monde des réseaux" Popular science book published
by Odile Jacob (in French), 2023
Spatial Networks (2022)
A Complete Introduction: From Graph Theory and
Statistical Physics to Real-World Applications
Morphogenesis of Spatial Networks
M. Barthelemy
Springer 2018
The Structure and Dynamics of Cities
M. Barthelemy
Cambridge University Press (December 2016)
Dynamical processes on Complex Networks
A. Barrat, M. Barthelemy, A. Vespignani
Cambridge University Press (2008)

All my papers are available on the Google Scholar page here
You will find below most of my papers published these last years
Surfacic Networks
M Barthelemy, G Boeing, A Chiarada, C Webster
PNAS Nexus, Volume 4, Issue 1, p585, 2025
Fragility of chess positions: Measure, universality, and tipping points
M Barthelemy
Phys. Rev. E 111, 014314, 2025
Domestic migration and city rank dynamics
SM Reia, PSC Rao, M Barthelemy, SV Ukkusuri
Nature Cities, 2024
The role of parsimonious models inaddressing mobility challenges
M. Barthelemy
npj sustainable mobility and transport 1, Article number: 11 (2024)
A Review of the Structure of Street Networks
M. Barthelemy, G. Boeing
Findings (2024)
A typology of activities over a century of urban growth
J. Gravier, M. Barthelemy
Nature Cities volume 1, pages 567–575 (2024)
Symmetry breaking in optimal transport networks
S Patwardhan, M Barthelemy. S. Erkol, S. Fortunato, F. Radicchi
Nature Communications 15:3758 (2024)
Defining a city—delineating urban areas using cell-phone data
L Dong, et al.
Nature Cities 1 (2), 117-125 (2024)
Physics for secure and efficient societies
M Barthelemy
EPS Grand Challenges: Physics for Society in the Horizon 2050
A stochastic block hypergraph model
A. Pister, M. Barthelemy
Phys. Rev. E 110, 034312 (2024)
Structure of road networks and the shape of the macroscopic fundamental diagram
Erwan Taillanter, Andreas Schadschneider, Marc Barthelemy
Phys. Rev. E 109, 014314 (2024)
Modeling the spatial dynamics of income in cities
Vincent Verbavatz, Marc Barthelemy
EPB: Urban Analytics and City Science Vol. 51(1) 128–139 (2024)
The role of complexity for digital twins of cities
G. Caldarelli et al.
Nature computational science 2023
Statistical analysis of chess games: space control and tipping points
Marc Barthelemy
Impact of the Ukrainian crisis on the global food security
Jean Cyrus de Gourcuff, David Makowski, Philippe Ciais, Marc Barthelemy
The distorting lens of human mobility data
Riccardo Gallotti, Davide Maniscalco, Marc Barthelemy, Manlio De Domenico
Evolution of road infrastructures in large urban areas
Erwan Taillanter, Marc Barthelemy
Physical Review E 107, 034304 (2023)
Scenarios for a post-covid-19 world airline networks
Jiachen Ye, Peng Ji, Marc Barthelemy
A class of models for random hypergraphs
Marc Barthelemy
Phys. Rev. E 106, 064310 (2022)
Spatial structure of city population growth
Sandro M. Reia, P. Suresh C. Rao, Marc Barthelemy, Satish V. Ukkusuri
Nature Communications, 13, Article number: 5931 (2022)
A dominance tree approach to systems of cities
Thomas Louail, Marc Barthelemy
Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 97:101856 (2022)
(Supp. Info, available here)
Betweenness centrality in dense spatial networks
Vincent Verbavatz and Marc Barthelemy
Phys. Rev. E 105, 054303 – Published 4 May 2022
Local impacts on road networks and access to critical locations during extreme floods
S Loreti, E Ser-Giacomi, A Zischg, M Keiler, M Barthelemy
Scientific Reports 12, Article number: 1552 (2022)
The effect of interurban movements on the population structure
Jiachen Ye, Qitong Hu, Peng Ji, Marc Barthelemy
Front. Phys. 10:967870.
Emerging dynamics from high-resolution spatial numerical epidemics
O Thomine, S Alizon, C Boennec, M Barthelemy, M Sofonea
eLife 2021;10:e71417
Betweenness centrality in dense spatial networks
Vincent Verbavatz and Marc Barthelemy
Future Cities: Why Digital Twins Need to Take Complexity Science on Board
E. Arcaute et al.
Preprint, 2021
Modelling car traffic in cities
V Verbavatz, M Barthelemy
Handbook on Cities and Complexity, 260 (2021)
Edited by Juval Portugali
Empirical evidence for a jamming transition in urban traffic
Erwan Taillanter and Marc Barthelemy
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 18:0210391. (2021)
The structure of urban networks
Handbook of Cities and Networks (Eds. Neal, Zachary P., Rozenblat, Céline)
From one-way streets to percolation on random mixed graphs
Vincent Verbavatz and Marc Barthelemy
Phys. Rev. E 103, 042313 (2021)
The future of urban science: integrating the social and natural sciences
La croissance des villes vue par la physique statistique
Marc Barthelemy
Reflets de la Physique 67, 16-20 (2020).
The growth equation of cities
Vincent Verbavatz, Marc Barthelemy
Access to mass rapid transit in OECD urban areas
Vincent Verbavatz, Marc Barthelemy
The future of urban science: integrating the social and natural sciences
J. Lobo et al
Revisiting the coupling between accessibility and population growth
V Volpati, M Barthelemy
arXiv preprint arXiv:1911.12684
Tomography of Scaling
M. Barthelemy
J. R. Soc. Interface 16: 20190602 (2019)
Modeling Cities
M. Barthelemy
Comptes Rendus Physique 2019
The shape of shortest paths in random spatial networks
A. Kartun-Giles, M. Barthelemy, C.P. Dettmann
Phys. Rev. E 100, 032315 (2019)
The statistical physics of cities
M. Barthelemy
Nature Reviews Physics 2019
The optimal geometry of transportation networks
D. Aldous, M. Barthelemy
Phys. Rev. E 99, 052303
Efficiency and shrinking in evolving networks
A. Bottinelli, M. Gherardi, M. Barthelemy
J. R. Soc. Interface 16:20190101 (2019).
Critical factors for mitigating car traffic in cities
V. Verbavatz and M. Barthelemy
PLoS ONE 14(7): e0219559 (2019)
Transitions in spatial networks
M. Barthelemy
Comptes Rendus Physique 2018 Volume 19, Pages 205-232
Towards a classification of planar maps
A. Diet and M. Barthelemy
Phys. Rev. E 98, 062304 (2018)
Spatial distribution of the population density in cities
V. Volpati and M. Barthelemy
From global scaling to the dynamics of individual cities
J. Depersin and M. Barthelemy
PNAS March 6, 2018. 115 (10) 2317-2322
Human mobility: models and applications
H. Barbosa-Filho, M. Barthelemy, G. Ghoshal, C.R. James, M. Lenormand, T. Louail, R. Menezes, J.J. Ramasco, F. Simini, M. Tomasini
Physics Reports 734, 1-74 (2018)
From the betweenness centrality in street networks to structural invariants in random planar graphs
A. Kirkley, H. Barbosa, M. Barthelemy, G. Ghoshal
Nature Communications, 9(1), 2501 (2018)
The coalescing colony model: mean-field, scaling, and geometry
G. Carra, K. Mallick, M. Barthelemy
Physical Review E 96, 062316 (2017)
Tracking random walks
R. Gallotti, R. Louf, J.-M. Luck, M. Barthelemy
Journal of the Royal Society Interface 2018 15 20170776
Central loops in random planar graphs
B. Lion, M. Barthelemy
Physical Review E 95:042310 (2017)
The fundamental diagram of urbanization
G. Carra, M. Barthelemy
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science, 46(4), 690– 706 (2019)
Is spatial information in ICT data reliable ?
M. Lenormand, T. Louail, M. Barthelemy, JJ. Ramasco
Proceedings of the 2016 Spatial Accuracy Conference, p 9-17,
Montpellier, France
A stochastic model of randomly accelerated walkers for human mobility
R. Gallotti, A. Bazzani, S. Rambaldi, M. Barthelemy
Nature Communications 7, Article number: 12600 (2016)
A global take on congestion in urban areas
M. Barthelemy
Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 43:800-804 (2016)
Patterns of residential segregation
R. Louf, M. Barthelemy
PLoS ONE 11(6): e0157476 (2016)
Modeling the relation between income and commuting distance
G. Carra, I. Mulalic, M. Fosgerau, M. Barthelemy
J. R. Soc. Interface 2016 13 20160306 (2016)
Lost in transportation: Information measures and cognitive limits in multilayer navigation
R. Gallotti, MA Porter, M. Barthelemy
Science Advances Vol. 2, no. 2, e1500445 (2016)
How transportation hierarchy shapes human mobility
R. Gallotti, A. Bazzani, S. Rambaldi, M. Barthelemy
Roads and cities of 18th century France
J Perret, M. Gribaudi, M. Barthelemy
Scientific Data 2, Article number: 150048 (2015)
Comparing and modeling land use organization in cities
M. Lenormand, M. Picornell, OG Cantu, T. Louail, R. Herranz, M. Barthelemy, E. Frias-Martinez, M. San Miguel, JJ Ramasco
Royal Society Open Science 2, 150449 (2015)
Multiplex networks in metropolitan areas: generic features and local effects
E. Strano, S. Shai, S. Dobson, M. Barthelemy
J. R. Soc. Interface 2015 12 20150651
Influence of sociodemographic characteristics on human mobility
M. Lenormand, T. Louail, O. Garcia Cantu-Ros, M. Picornell, R. Herranz, J.M. Arias, M. Barthelemy, M. San Miguel, J.J. Ramasco
Scientific Reports, 5:10075 (2015)
Uncovering the spatial structure of mobility networks
T. Louail, M. Lenormand, M. Picornell, O. Garcia Cantu, R. Herranz, E. Frias-Martinez, J.J. Ramasco, M. Barthelemy
Nature Communications 6:6007 (2015)
The multilayer temporal network of public transport in Great Britain
Riccardo Gallotti, Marc Barthelemy
Scientific Data, 2: 140056 (2015)
From paths to blocks: new measures for street patterns
Marc Barthelemy
Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science
44(2), 256–271 (2017)
Anatomy and efficiency of urban multimodal mobility
Riccardo Gallotti, Marc Barthelemy
Scientific Reports, 4: 6911 (2014)
Scaling: Lost in the smog
Rémi Louf, Marc Barthelemy
Env. Plan. B 41(5) 767 – 769
A typology of street patterns
Rémi Louf, Marc Barthelemy
Royal Society Interface 11(101):20140924 (2014)
Cross-checking different sources of mobility information
M. Lenormand, M. Picornell, O.G. Cantu-Ros, A. Tugores, T. Louail, R.
Herranz, M. Barthelemy, E. Frias-Martinez, J.J. Ramasco
PLoS One 9(8):e105184 (2014)
Scaling in transportation networks
Rémi Louf, Camille Roth, Marc Barthelemy
PLoS One 9(7):e102007 (2014)
How congestion shapes cities: from mobility patterns to scaling
Rémi Louf, Marc Barthelemy
Scientific Reports 4:5561 (2014)
From mobile phone data to the spatial structure of cities
Thomas Louail, Maxime Lenormand, Oliva García Cantú, Miguel
Picornell, Ricardo Herranz, Enrique Frias-Martinez, José J. Ramasco,
Marc Barthelemy
Scientific Reports 4:5276 (2014)
The simplicity of planar networks
MP Viana, E. Strano, P. Bordin, M. Barthelemy
Scientific Reports 3:3495 (2013)
Non-linear growth and condensation in multiplex networks
Vincenzo Nicosia, Ginestra Bianconi, Vito Latora, Marc Barthelemy
Phys. Rev. E 90, 042807 (2014)
Modeling the polycentric transition of cities
R. Louf and M. Barthelemy
Physical Review Letters, 111:198702 (2013)
Self-organization versus top-down planning in the evolution of a city
M. Barthelemy, P. Bordin, H. Berestycki, M. Gribaudi
Nature Scientific Reports 3:2153 (2013)
Emergence of hierarchy in cost-driven growth of Spatial networks
R. Louf, P. Jensen, M. Barthelemy
Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. (USA), 110(22):8824-8829 (2013)
Multilayer Networks
Mikko Kivelä, Alexandre Arenas, Marc Barthelemy, James P. Gleeson, Yamir
Moreno, Mason A. Porter
J. Complex Netw. 2(3): 203-271 (2014)
Interdependent networks: the fragility of control
Richard G. Morris, Marc Barthelemy
Scientific Reports 3:2764 (2013)
Growing multiplex networks
V. Nicosia, G. Bianconi, V. Latora, M. Barthelemy
Physical Review Letters, 111:058701 (2013)
before 2012
Transport on coupled spatial networks
Richard Morris, Marc Barthelemy
Physical Review Letters 109:128703 (2012)
A long-time limit of world subway networks
Camille Roth, Soong Moon Kang, Michael Batty, Marc Barthelemy
Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 9:2540-2550 (2012)
Elementary processes governing the evolution of road networks
E. Strano, V. Nicosia, V. Latora, S. Porta, M. Barthelemy
Scientific Reports 2:296 (2012)
Spatial correlations in attribute communities [pdf]
Federica Cerina, Vincenzo De Leo, Marc Barthelemy, Alessandro Chessa
PLoS ONE 7(5): e37507 (2012)
Spatial Networks
Marc Barthelemy
Physics Reports 499:1-101 (2011)
Structure of urban movements: polycentric activity and entangled hierarchical flows
Camille Roth, Soong Moon Kang, Michael Batty, Marc Barthelemy
PLoS One 6(1):e15923 (2011)
Co-evolution of density and topology in a simple model of city formation [pdf]
Marc Barthelemy, Alessandro Flammini
Networks and Spatial Economics, vol 9:401-425 (2009)
Modeling urban street patterns
Marc Barthelemy, Alessandro Flammini
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 138702 (2008)
The structure of Inter-Urban traffic: A weighted network analysis
A. De Montis, M. Barthelemy, A. Chessa, A. Vespignani
Environment and Planning: B, 34:905-924 (2007)
Optimal Traffic Networks
M. Barthelemy, A. Flammini
J. Stat. Mech. (2006) L07002
Betweenness Centrality in Large Complex Networks
M. Barthelemy
Eur. Phys. Jour. B, vol 38, 163 (2004)
Connectivity Distribution of Spatial Networks
C. Herrmann, M Barthelemy, P. Provero
Phys. Rev. E 68 (2003) 026128
Crossover from Scale-Free to Spatial Networks
M. Barthelemy
Europhys. Lett. 63 (6) pp.915-921 (2003)
Spatial Structure of the Internet Traffic
M. Barthelemy, B. Gondran, E. Guichard
Physica A 319 (2003) 633-642