Press releases and interviews
Article "Complexity physics finds crucial tipping points in chess games", Ars technica
Article "How a new science of Chess is emerging" Discover Magazine (28/10/24)
Interview for Le Monde "La deuxième révolution de l'électricité" (16/04/24)
Interview for Sud-Radio "Le numerique pour tous" (02/04/23)
Interview for RFI "Autour de la question" (21/03/23 15h00)
Interview for Le Figaro (27/02/23)
Article in Le Monde (28/02/23)
TV show "La librairie de l'Eco" BFM Business (11/02/23)
Interview RTBF Tendances première
Article in Physics about the evolution of road networks (07/03/2023)
Radio interview for RFI, ‘Autour de la question’, 19/03
Radio interview for Sud-Radio, ‘Le numérique pour tous’, 14/03/23
TV interview for BFM Business ‘La librairie de l’Eco’, 11/02/23
Radio interview for RTBF, ‘Tendances premières’, 08/02/23
Interview for the newspaper Le Figaro (27/02/23)
Article in the newspaper Le Monde (28/02/23)
Chronicle - Etienne Klein in France-Culture (08/02/23)
Interview in the newspaper Le Monde about the science of cities (22/06/2021)
Article about our paper "The growth equation of cities" in the newspaper 20Minutes, in Political Calculations
and in the journal The Conversation
Interview on YouTube about the paper "The growth equation of cities" published in Nature (Nov 2020)
Article in about the paper "The growth equation of cities"
Interview for the popular science magazine Science & Vie (may 2020).
Interview for the paper "Life in a carbon-neutral world" by K. Ravilious for Physics World (April 2020).
Interview about networks and epidemic spread for the national french newspaper Liberation (02/04/2020).
Articles about networks and cities published in the popular science magazine "La Recherche" in a special issue (2019)
Our paper "Critical factors for mitigating car traffic" is discussed by Mark Buchanan in Bloomberg (14/08/2019) and Nature Physics
Fait marquant Direction de la Recherche Fondamentale -CEA (in french).
(2018) Article about the Science of Cities in the popular science magazine "La Recherche"
(2018) Interview for the french newspaper Le Monde, 22/01/2018
(2017) Participation to a round table at the “Rendez vous de l’Histoire”, Blois, 7 October 2017.
(2016) Interview on France-Culture by Etienne Klein in the program "La conversation scientifique" (22/10/2016). The podcast can be found here.
(2016) Articles about our paper: 'Lost in transportation: Information measures and cognitive limits in multilayer navigation' in World Economic Forum, Washington Post, Atlantic/CityLab, Guardian, Le Monde, Business Insider,, Daily Mail, Motherboard, Science World Report, Pacific Standard, KIJK, Medical Daily, Sputnik news, City Metric, Psych Central, Mind the Post, Pacific Standard, Lenta.
(2015) Article in the BBC News, Wired, the Telegraph, the Independent, and City A.M. about the paper "Multiplex networks in metropolitan areas: generic features and local effects"
(2015) Article in the New Scientist about the paper "Multiplex networks in metropolitan areas: generic features and local effects"
(2015) Debate 'Science Publique' on national radio France-Culture: "Les physiciens peuvent-ils reinventer la ville ?" More info here.
(2015) Interview about 'Urban Science' in the popular science magazine 'Science & Vie'. More info here.
(2014) Articles in Science news, Discovery News, Motherboard Vice, Gizmodo, Tendencias21,, Washington Post, MIT Technology Review,, Pacific Standard, Atlas Obscura, Der Spiegel, CityLab about our paper 'A typology of street patterns'
(2014) MIT Technology review on our paper 'From mobile phone data to the spatial structure of cities'
(2014) The PRL 'Modeling the polycentric transition of cities' featured in Scientific American, Physics Today and APS Physics
(2013) Interview for the french TV (France 2/Telematin, 30/11/2013; low res file below)
(2013) Le Monde article on Haussmann
(2013) Article in Atlantic Cities
(2013) Article in BBC Future
(2013) Le Monde article on graphs
(2013) Interview for the special issue '100 years' of the french popular science magazine Science & Vie
(2012) Article about large subway networks featured in Wired, Scientific American
(2012) Evolution of road networks in PhysOrg, PerSquareMile, Nature Asia, Spiegel Online
(2008) Modeling the evolution of road networks in the New Scientist